Torchtitan: A PyTorch Library for Parallelism Techniques explained
Torchtitan is an excellent project to learn how to implement distributed training techniques for training massive language models on hundreds of GPUs. I’ve been using it for a few months, and now that the paper is out, I thought it’d be a good idea to share a few posts about how to use it, what works and what doesn’t, what I learned while implementing these ideas in my own project.
This post will be an overview of the distributed training techniques implemented in Torchtitan and why they are important. In the next couple of posts, I will be writing about my experience implementing each technique in my own project and what I learned from it and how much it actually helped.
1. Introduction
Torchtitan is a project from pytorch’s team, it’s their attempt to consolidate all the parallelism and distributed training techniques available in Pytorch into a single framework that can be used to train large models on hundreds of GPUs and they did an excellent job at it.
The techniques implemented in Torchtitan are modular, easy to understand and use, and they are all built on top of mostly vanilla Pytorch.
I use it more as a learning tool, to understand how to implement parallelism techniques in Pytorch, and to see how the Pytorch team is thinking about scaling deep learning models.
2. Why is This Important?
Torchtitan simplifies a few things that were missing or hard to do correctly in PyTorch:
- A unified, central resource for all parallelism techniques (implemented by the PyTorch team).
- Faster experimentation thanks to a clean, modular design.
- Consolidation or improvement of a few libraries:
- Pippy ->
- FSDP1 -> FSDP2
- FlatParameter ->
- Pippy ->
3. Scaling Techniques in Torchtitan
Torchtitan’s techniques are very modular. Think of them like building blocks you can add or remove from your sharding strategy. The full pipeline looks like this:

This design makes it easier to experiment without too much code refactoring.
Meta Initialization
This is the simplest technique. It initializes the model on an empty device, so the weights aren’t materialized until you apply the full sharding strategy. Saves a lot of time and memory headaches.
Float8 Training
I haven’t tested this yet because I don’t have access to H100s. They use the torchao implementation. The claim is that this will give you a huge speedup in training time (on the correct hardware) up to 50% in some cases. I will learn about this in the future and write a post about it when i test it.

Pipeline Parallelism
This is the first step the “sharding” actualy happens. They divide the model into computation stages, each stage is sent to a device along with the required weights. The stages can also further split vertically ( more pipeline parallelism) or horizontally (tensor parallelism).
Tensor Parallelism
They leverage the new Distributed Tensor (DTensor) to split a layer’s weight. This was once tricky to do in plain PyTorch. This partitioniing allows sharded computation through PyTorch’s RowwiseParallel and ColwiseParallel APIs without changing the model code a lot.
They also use Asynchronous Tensor Parallel to further improve the GPU utilization by minimizing the time a GPU waits for new tensors coming from the communication link (NVLink, ethernet…).
They have improved on FSDP1 by improving the FlatParamter and replacing it by a new implementation called DTensor (Distributed Tensor). This new data type also used in Tensor Parallelism. They have around 7% improvement over FSDP1 which is a nice free improvement to have.
They use FSDP in 2 cases :
- 1D parallelism and CPU offloading.
- Shard on node level if used with other parallelism techniques.
Regional Compilation
Instead of rely on Pytorch’s Compiler docs to compile the whole model and hope that it gets it optimized. They compile only specific blocks (TransformerBlock) where the attention is which gives them a simpler graph and since they’re compiling the same structe, they only have to compile it once and save a lot of compilation time.
Flight Recorder
Comes very handy when you are debugging what nccl is doing.
Fault Tolerance Training
This is a very interesting feature, it allows your training loop to continue even if. I still have to test it.
Wandb Integration
Although tensorboard is the default, they finally have some wandb integration
Other Features
- Asynchronous Tensor Parallel
- Sequence Parallel (?)
- Context Parallel (?)
Most of these features are controlled by the ParallelDims
class implemented here. This lets you represent your model’s sharding strategy intuitively.
3. Next Steps
If you are interested in learning more about Torchtitan, I would recommend reading the paper it’s quite detailed and it explains the techniques implemented in the library in detail.
Also, checkout the Github repo, In the supplementary materials of the paper you’ll find code sections for a technique implemented so you can use this to understand the repository better.