
[ARCHIVED] Serving BERT Model with Pytorch using TorchServe


So finally Pytorch is getting a decent (?) production serving capabilities. TorchServe was introduced a couple of days ago along with other interesting things

I'm not in ANY way expert on putting pytorch in production environment. What I've been using is Flask. I have never tried ONNX or torchscript before to judge on.

So TorchServce was announced as a “industrial-grade path to deploying PyTorch models for inference at scale”. In this tutorial we will try to load a finetuned BERT model.

Installing the requirements

2 things you need to get going is the torchserve and torch-model-archiver

 pip install torchserve torch-model-archiver

Converting the model to MAR file

Before serving the model, you need to convert it to .mar file, for this step we are going to use the torch-model-archiver we just installed


Some parameter you should pay attention to are

  • model-name : A name you want to specify to the model
  • serialized-file: the model trained weights file
  • model-file: the actual model definition file
  • handler: Will cover it in the next section
  • extra-files: Any extra files you can to add to your serving. will see how it’s useful

A sample command would be something like this

torch-model-archiver --model-name my-model-name --version 1.0 \
--model-file  --serialized-file ./model.bin \
--extra-files --handler

The --extra-files should include every file that you are using in In my case they where the hyperparameter of my model

Please make sure that you saved the model on the appropriate device. If you trained the model on GPU & trying to serve it on the server without GPU then the next step would fail

The output of this command would be a single my-model-name.mar file