[ARCHIVE] Using Tensorflow Gradient Descent to minimize functions
You probably heard the hype around Gradient Descent & how it’s used to optimize Deep Learning Models. But you may never knew that it can be used to minimize ANY function you know.
In this blog post we’re going to see how to use Gradient Descent to optimize a simple quadratic function
we all know from highschool.
$ax^2 + bx + c$
a = 1
b = -40
c = 400
we get the following formula
Plotting this function will give us this curve:
From the above figure, we can see that this function achieves minimum at x = 20
. since $(20 - 20)^2 = 0$
But suppose this function is a high dimensional function that we can’t simply figure out the minimum, these kind of problems requires some algorithm to find (at least try) to achieve this minimum. Here comes gradient descent!
Gradient Descent
What Gradient Descent does is the following:
- Start at a random value.
- Calculates the derivative ( slope ) of the function at this point.
- Descent in the opposite direction.
- Repeat 1->3 until convergence ( slope ~ 0 )
Suppose the formula $(x - 20)^2$
is our cost function in a machine learning problem that we’re trying to minimize.
We start by importing the needed libraries, which are numpy
& tensorflow
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
then we start tensorflow Interactive Session.
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
We are trying to find a value for the parameters X that will minimize the cost function, so let’s declare this parameter and initialize it to 0
X = tf.Variable([0],dtype= tf.float32)
The function we are trying to minimize is Y written as $Y = X^2 - 40X + 400$ So let’s write it too
Y = (X**2) - 40*X + 400
We are going to use Tensorflow’s implementation of Gradient Descent with a learning rate of 0.01
Learning Rate: We are not going to discuss it here, but think about it as the magnitude of our optimization. How steep is the optimizer going to descent down to the minimum at each iteration.
train = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=0.01).minimize(Y)
In Tensorflow, variables are not initialized unless you explicitly do that
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
Now for the training part, we’re going to run the optimizer 1000 times to try to get to our minimum
number_of_iterations = 1000
for i in range(number_of_iterations):
Finally after our training is complete, let’s see what the optimizer found a value for X to minimize Y
we get 19.99995422
which is approximately 20!